تحسين سعة محطة الشحن الكهربائية

Title: Optimization of Electrical Charging Station Capacity


University / Institute: Altınbaş Üniversitesi

Categories:  Electric and Computer Engineering

Published: April 09, 2022

Abstract: Electrical vehicle charging Station (EVCS) is not a new that used as a petrol station to feed the vehicles by the fuel, that prepared to get the optimization method for the Electric Vehicle Charge Station by finding the capacity of using mathematical models for as the topic has mentioned that using a designed system that consist from some of tools that using to count the costs such as PVs, Battery Banks, Transmission lines and Electric vehicles (EVs) those stopped in public parking that using the main grid and Photovoltaic to charge different types of cars those have stopped in the various number of tracking depends on some of international standard critical points.

Keywords: Mathematical Model, PVs model, EVs, Battery Bank, Electricity grid, MATLAB, Optimization.

Copyright (C): 2022 African Academy of Advanced Studies ( AAAS)